Sparky the sparrow killer

Lola lives with Toby the Foxie, Barry the rat and Sparky the cat. Sparky has recently discovered sparrows and not in a good way. We are going to have to get him a collar and a bell, we have had dead ones inside, and outside and I have had to remove one sparrow from Lola’s mouth. We have had live one which we have released and we have had slightly injured stunned ones which we have tried to look after but upon releasing have all been caught again and then there was the morning that I woke up to chirping in the garage, my husband text me to say he took a live sparrow from Sparky and put it in our garage to keep it safe.
 I thought ‘great what the hell am I going to do with it now’ so I opened the garage door until I had to leave for work and as far as I know it flew out ( the alternative is a dead body somewhere in the garage). Anyway here are some recent photos of Sparky the sparrow killer.


This is how he looks when its tea time.
Thinking about those sparrows again.
Sparky feels the heat his favourite position on hot days is to lie on his back with his legs like this
Sparky is the only one who uses the outdoor swing seat.
Those fangs!
looking at the birds in the trees

The Spark right now wanting to know where his tea is.

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