Bottle Lake Forest

We are so lucky living in New Zealand we have beaches, rivers, mountains and forests all close by. This morning I took Lola to Bottle Lake Forest at 7am, the light was great. It was also our first time out wearing he new Julius K9 harness which I love and have ordered side name tags. The forest was so beautiful and we only saw one other person. Here are a few images.


Lola and the car

  It took a while but Lola now loves the car and gets very excited when we ask her if she wants to go for a ride. The safest way to have your dog in the car is to secure them and Lola does have a special harness that clicks into a normal seatbelt but she loves to sit in between both of us, here’s some car photos. 









Toby was my first dog, I got him through a friend at work when my son was 8. I told Sam I had to drop off a cat cage to a friend and they had some puppies he can play with and when we got there I pulled a collar out of my bag and told Sam that he would need this as we were taking one home.

The first two years were pretty full on, Toby is a fox terrier and had so much energy (Lola is such a dream at 8 months compared to Toby).

Then I met my husband to be Kevin and I think it was love at first sight between him and Toby and they have been inseparable since.

We have had our ups and downs, Toby broke his leg about three years ago when a big dog knocked him over at a beach and then a few months later we found out that Toby had Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) which is why his nose and lips were losing their pigment and he looks really grey.

He also has arthritis, it seems that the lupus is making him age at a faster rate. I’m conscious of this and have been making an effort recently to take photos of him, here’s a few Toby photos from the last month.


Toby at our new favourite place the river
This morning trying to get into Sparky’s food
Tobys nose was once all black
Best buddies

That bully butt

Lola sleeps in strange and weird positions, I once asks the vet if it’s normal for her legs to do this but apparently it is, maybe it’s a bulldog thing.

Here is a collection of her most popular positions.


Hot day

Yesterday was such a hot day, before I got Lola I had no idea how much Bulldogs feel the heat. We have had to get Loka a paddling pool and at night when it cools down we take her to the local river. I am a wee bit paranoid that she will go too deep and sink as many Bulldogs drown each year. Tonight instead of having me panic whenever Lola headed to deep water we kept her on the lead which was perfect, she was able to go over her head and swim and we could stay by her side. Here are a few shots if Lola and Toby at the River.


Tonight was the first time Lola swam over her head
new found love for sticks

Sparky the sparrow killer

Lola lives with Toby the Foxie, Barry the rat and Sparky the cat. Sparky has recently discovered sparrows and not in a good way. We are going to have to get him a collar and a bell, we have had dead ones inside, and outside and I have had to remove one sparrow from Lola’s mouth. We have had live one which we have released and we have had slightly injured stunned ones which we have tried to look after but upon releasing have all been caught again and then there was the morning that I woke up to chirping in the garage, my husband text me to say he took a live sparrow from Sparky and put it in our garage to keep it safe.
 I thought ‘great what the hell am I going to do with it now’ so I opened the garage door until I had to leave for work and as far as I know it flew out ( the alternative is a dead body somewhere in the garage). Anyway here are some recent photos of Sparky the sparrow killer.


This is how he looks when its tea time.
Thinking about those sparrows again.
Sparky feels the heat his favourite position on hot days is to lie on his back with his legs like this
Sparky is the only one who uses the outdoor swing seat.
Those fangs!
looking at the birds in the trees

The Spark right now wanting to know where his tea is.